Matt Par runs 9 different YouTube channels, has earned the gold play
button from YouTube for reaching 1 million subscribers on a channel and
multiple silver play buttons for hitting 100,000 subscribers on multiple
other channels. Despite this success, it wasn’t always like this.
Early Life
In fact just a couple of years ago, Matt was a completely broke high
school student who had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He
hated going to school everyday and questioned if the meaning of life was
to go to college and get stuck in a 9-5 job.
Matt says this was a really dark period of his life, but amongst all of
this he knew one thing. He knew that he didn’t want to work in a 9-5 job
for the rest of his life. And he knew this was possible because he saw
people on YouTube making full-time incomes, being able to travel the
world, and live their dream life.
Matt had a YouTube channel at the time and would just upload videos with
his friends and backyard stunts. He would be lucky if a video got 10
At the age of 14, Matt decided to create another YouTube channel after seeing the success of channels making “top 10” videos.
He made dozens of videos without any luck, when one of his videos went
viral out of nowhere getting over 100,000 views in just a week.
showed everyone on his school bus that day and from then on, he made it
his mission to learn as much as he could about YouTube.
At this point, he discovered that you could place ads on your YouTube
videos and when he did, he began making more money than all of his
friends overnight. This is when he realized he could make a real
business out of YouTube.
Matt decided to put school on the back burner and put all of his focus
into YouTube instead. As a result, his parents and teachers were less
than thrilled, but Matt was determined to reach 100,000 subscribers on
one of his channels.
Not only did he reach 100,000 subscribers, but at the age of 16 he was
making an average of $9,000 a month from his channel, but it wasn’t all
He was beginning to burn out from the amount of work he was
putting into his channel and the increasing demands of high school.
Matt knew he had to outsource the work. Matt made what he called a video
creation machine, where he hired other people to make the video
scripts, do voice overs, edit the videos, and make the thumbnails.
was a success.Because of all the free time he had, he was able to re
invest his profits into starting more YouTube channels.
Today, Matt Par runs 9 different YouTube channels, makes an average of
$30,000 a month from ad revenue alone, and the only work he does on them
is uploading and optimizing the videos.
He has multiple YouTube channels with over 100,000 subscribers and has
one channel with over 1 million subscribers. Because of this, he has
received multiple silver and gold play button awards from YouTube.
Because of his YouTube success, Matt was able to buy his dream car and
travel the world while running his YouTube operation.
Helping Others
Matt has never had to work a traditional 9 to 5 job, and because of this
he is making it his goal to help as many other people as possible do
the same. He started teaching his strategies to his friends and family,
and when they started seeing results he knew what he was offering was
Now, Matt is helping countless others do the same. If you want to
discover his strategies for growing hyper profitable YouTube channels
from scratch, check out his free training that he put together below.